Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator
'One, body. two, dress' questions the current silhouette by dressing a digitally-liquified body. First, the body is created, then it is dressed. The collection is made up of characters, each with their own bumps and squiggles, manipulating existing archetypes to fit a new form. With a material palette of virgin fabric silks, as well as secondhand fabrics, the collection responds to an evolving fashion system while in the confines of the home.

Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator

Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator

Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator

Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator

Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator

Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator

Xanthe Ficarra, Bachelor of Fashion (Design)(Honours), Fashion Interrogator